These are large, medium-sized, small, or micro enterprises and institutions from the private and public sectors.
Members pay a membership fee based on the organization’s annual turnover and the number of employees.
This is an exclusive and responsible membership for the organizations that prioritize diversity management.
Ambassadors pay membership fees and provide additional financial support.
Associated Members
These are non-profits and other organizations that are exempted from the membership payment.
Tai – didelės, vidutinės, mažos ir labai mažos įmonės ir įstaigos iš privataus bei viešojo sektoriaus.
Nariai moka Nario mokestį, nustatomą pagal organizacijos metinę apyvartą ir darbuotojų skaičių.
Tai – išskirtinė ir atsakinga narystė asociacijoje proaktyvioms organizacijoms, kurioms įvairovės valdymas yra vienas iš veiklos prioritetų.
Ambasadoriai moka nario mokestį bei papildomą finansinę paramą.
Asocijuoti Nariai
Tai – pelno nesiekiantys juridiniai asmenys ir kitos organizacijos, atleistos nuo nario mokesčio išimties tvarka.
Membership package
Seminars and events
1-4 representatives can participate in the seminars depending on their format. Ambassadors have unlimited seats at every event.
- At least 4 practical seminars per year. The topics vary depending on the priorities of DC members
- Business meetings with members of other Diversity Charters
- 3 Baltic Diversity Academies
- Member meetings
- Annual Diversity Charter Conference
Communicating publicly to the media, society, and business community about the members and their activities.
- Communication on the news portal
- Dissemination on the Charter’s website and social networks
- Communication at the EU Platform of Diversity Charters
Creating change
A self-assessment tool to evaluate organization’s diversity management and employee engagement. We facilitate the assessment, discuss the results and possible priority goals.
- Self-assessment tool
- Assistance in developing an action plan
- Consultations